Sunday, September 27, 2015

Midterms, and Music, and Pizza, Oh My!

I had yet another stressful week, but I think I solved a large number of my problems. I had my first midterm on Thursday in my PoliSci class and it was awful. We had a fifty question test and an essay to write, and the essay question was incredibly confusing. I am just proud of myself for completing it, because I was pretty sure I was going to die. Now I'm trying to stay positive and hope that I did better than I feel like I did. 

I also finally was able to set up physical therapy down here and I will be having my first appointment on Monday. I'm excited to see what PT is like here. I'm sure it will be different (nobody will ever top my physical therapist Emily) but I'm sure it will go well. The only problem is that my first appointment coincides with Jammin' With John, so I may have to call and change the time. 

What is Jammin' With John, you ask? It's an hour long period of music making with the other RA in my building, and it's my new favourite thing to do on Mondays. Honestly I've started looking forward to it every week, because we make up songs and they are always hilarious and it's just a really great place to be. I have made a lot of friends there and the group seems to be growing, so I'm sure I will make a lot more.

Lately, I have been hanging out a lot with my friend Samantha as well, and last weekend we went to this place called South Gate, near where she lives. We went to a pizza place there called Blaze Pizza, where you make your own pizza, and it was really delicious. After that we went shopping and I got a tie-dye top and she got some velvety shoes. I love exploring and seeing the area around Long Beach. There is so much stuff to do and so much diversity. I definitely cannot wait to bring my car here. Then I will really be able to explore everything. 

Now, to update you on that guy who asked for my number. As it turns out, he has children, so basically I beelined it in the other direction. It is so weird to me that now there are dads that can hit on me and they aren't pedophiles. It kind of freaks me out, because I'm not planning on being a mother for another ten thousand years. Luckily, I wasn't looking to be in a relationship anytime soon because I have enough on my plate right now, but even if I was, there are plenty of people out there who aren't fathers yet.

In all, I am loving it in Long Beach and I am continually excited to see what's in store for me here! Update you all later!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Kicking Ass and Taking Names (Or Numbers?)

So this post was made a little later than I initially planned- I'M SORRY. This last week was ridiculously challenging, and I'm pretty sure that everything that could have possibly gone wrong went wrong, but personally I think I kicked this last week's ass.

For starters, on Tuesday I managed to lose my ID card somewhere in my room. It must have slid under the bed somewhere that I couldn't reach, because I searched the whole room for HOURS. If not that, then a ghost must have stolen it (according to many students our particular dorm building is haunted because it was built on an old Native American burial ground), because I searched EVERYWHERE. I scraped my hands and my legs and I now have a million bruises everywhere just because I was looking for my ID. 

The issue with not having my ID is that without it I can't get into my dorm or into the dining hall, meaning I had to either find it or buy a new one. To make matters worse, I had to get to class and the bus lift was broken so I was going to have to wait for the next bus which would have made me completely late, so after almost bursting into tears I decided to go back to my room. Thankfully Maria was there so she could open the doors for me. Then after I calmed down I decided to accept defeat and go buy a new ID, which was surprisingly inexpensive. I also bought myself a gyro (they are good for the soul) and then went to my next class. 

Then the next day I spent two hours on the phone with Apple trying to figure out why my computer wouldn't connect to my printer. I have spent approximately a bajillion hours trying to solve my printer problem, and finally the guys at Apple helped me figure it out. If you're out there, thank you Vinnie and Tyler! 

At this point, with all of my major issues solved, things started looking up for the rest of the week. That's when, lo and behold, some guy in my political science class asked me for my number. (Yup, I've still got it!)

Now I just have to talk to Disabled Student Services and solve some other issues I'm having (for example I still have not been given a physical therapist to see, and that is driving me absolutely bonkers because it's boring working out alone) and then hopefully this coming week will be easier! We shall see!