Saturday, January 23, 2016

Weird Guys and Bad Lies

Story time! In a previous blog I said I would write about past events every once in a while, so that is what I am doing. This is one of the most bizarre things that happened to me last semester. I hope you enjoy.

I was sitting at the bus stop reading a book, when all of a sudden I realized someone was talking to me. So I looked up and it was some guy. He had short, curly hair and a lot of acne, and right away he seemed pretty odd. First he was telling me how he was almost born blind (I think he was trying to relate with my disability in a weird way), but then he said he thought being born blind would be no big deal and that he could've handled it, which was frustrating because he was TOTALLY undermining the struggles that people with disabilities have. Then he started talking to me about the school shuttles, which all students get to ride for free, and says how it's pretty great getting to ride it for free. Just as I was about to agree with him he says, "yeah people in wheelchairs get everything for free" (and in my head I'm thinking, you know, except for the ability to WALK). I was pretty shocked when he said that, but I kept my cool and just tried to be polite, because something definitely seemed to be off with him. To be honest, I felt a bit like I was talking to a little kid; I kept smiling and nodding to what he was saying and trying to be nice, but I just wanted to leave. Finally the shuttle came to my rescue and I left, slightly frustrated.

The next day, I was again at the bus stop trying to head back to the dorms. I had my headphones in and had completely forgotten about what had happened the previous day when suddenly I hear someone talking to me. It was the same, strange guy that I had talked to the day before. This time he told me how he had been wondering if he would see me again at the bus stop and how he was shocked that it had actually happened. He started talking about how he doesn't see many people in wheelchairs and how when he does, typically they are men. He said it surprised him to see such a beautiful girl in a wheelchair. He started saying that it seems like it would be tough being in a wheelchair and that dating would be difficult. At this point, in my head I am saying oh hell no, he is not going there. The next thing out of his mouth is that dating someone in a wheelchair would be a challenge, but he's up for the job (although I never in a million years would be up for the job of dating him). I kind of just changed the subject and then he leaned over with his flip phone and says, "my full name and number is..." Just then I cut him off and said "oh I'm sorry. I have a boyfriend. His name is Sergio."

I do not have a boyfriend. Sergio is my best friend who is basically like a brother to me and we would never date each other. I feel bad about lying, however, I had to say something because I could not give that guy even an ounce of hope that he would ever be able to date me. Absolutely shocked, he says, "wow I'm surprised that someone would want to date you, because you know, you're in a wheelchair." He said it like he thought he had been the first person on the face of the planet to ever think of dating me. Well, news flash buddy, I am very dateable still. Then he said, "well, I already have a girlfriend anyway" (I think he was trying to act like me turning him down was no big deal) "she has glasses...and she's overweight." If he was trying to make me jealous that was a very strange way of doing so. Then he said that well, she wasn't actually his girlfriend, they were just thinking of maybe going on a date. Next thing I know, he starts throwing a pity party for himself and says, "nobody ever wants to date me, I've never even been on a date." Still trying to be nice I said that he'd surely find someone someday.

Before I left he said, "you know, you could've told me yesterday that you had a boyfriend." I told him that I just thought he was being nice and that I didn't realize what his intentions were. Am I supposed to just tell every guy that I meet right away that I don't want to date them? No. So instead, I get to wait and find out if they are some creep or jerk or if they have some weird wheelchair fetish (yes, that is a thing). Oh, what fun it is being a disabled woman.

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